These days, the use of electronic conveniences has extended to just about every aspect of our lives. This can certainly be said of home security devices. In the past, there weren’t many options for making your home secure, other than the traditional lock and key and possibly a home alarm. While these have proven effective, there are many more options available. For example, electronic locks are quickly becoming the standard for home owners. Case in point, there are a number of advantages associated with the use of Schlage electronic locking devices, which can include:
- The ability to lock your home when you are away from your residence.
- A home automation feature that will disarm or arm your home alarm system by merely unlocking or locking your door.
- Text alerts can be sent to your computer or phone when an entry has been made or someone has left your residence.
- The ability to give your guests and service personnel temporary access codes.
- You can set up automatic lock times each day.
- The ability to connect with Honeywell Total Connect services.
- Control your lock through your iPhone.
The advanced convenience and durable characteristics associated with the Schlage Keypad Cam Residential Electronic Door Lever, for example, start with its design material. The chassis is all-metal and will install on all standard door setups. This particular model will provide 6-digit unique programming codes that are pre-set, two unique 4-digit preset user codes and offers a capacity of 19 codes (10,000 user code combination). Programming is done through the keypad. The lock runs off a 9-volt battery that has an average life expectancy of 3 years.
With Honeywell Total Connect services integration, you will be able to remotely control and monitor your door locks. It will even give you the ability to create a new access code for a guest or home service/maintenance worker. This means that you will no longer have to worry about how to hand out keys when you’re not on your property. You will be able to use your lock control options by connecting to in order to access your account from your PC or iPhone device.
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