350+ Percent Funded! KickStarter Lock Picks, eBook and Lockpicking Videos. The Mr. Locksmith KickStarter was 100 percent funded in less than one hour and by the end of the day was 350+ percent funded! Offer only lasts unitl October 19, 2006 and this great deal ends. For further information go to: https://youtu.be/UO5bAg4RHWg https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1895242525/mr-locksmith-high-performance-picks-how-to-pick-lo Hi, […]
Mr. Locksmith Video “How to open a Locked Bathroom Lock or bedroom lock with a Milk Jug or Credit Card.” Part 2
Mr. Locksmith Video “How to open a Locked Bathroom Lock or bedroom lock with a Milk Jug or Credit Card.” Part 2. At www.mrlocksmith.com I get several calls a week from customers locked out of a Bathroom or Bedroom. Most of the bathroom locks are very simple to open. My earlier youtube video “How to […]